Large mural on brick wall looking like a weathered, cropped off vintage sign reading "Grain & Cane Restaurant and Bar" in blue and white


With experience painting art pieces for world-renowned artists, as well as advertisements for major corporations, Noble Signs is capable of working on almost any large format painting project, indoor or outdoor, regardless of service.

We can paint razor-sharp digital art on stucco, expressionist mural art on brick, and anything in between. Our unique pattern system allows us to recreate art at any size without distortion, and we are capable of staging almost any job site.

Mural in Bronx public school, reading "Bronx Bulldogs" with a stylized bulldog's face for the "O", in blue paint on white brick wall
Weathered mural depicting vintage art of a leopard in front of a white circle, on a blue backdrop with cropped-off lettering
Mural for Harry's with a multitude of small text in white on top of a bright orange background, with larger text reading "Give" followed by a blank line
A mural for Harry's with a large orange arrow and white text reading "Just Around the Corner" on a black background ith smaller white text listing relaxing concepts
A small mural for a bodega, depicting household items for sale like sugar and butter, surrounded by a devil chef and graphic face icons
The noble signs team painting a huge mural for the Department of Transportation, consisting of various angular shapes in bright shades of orange, yellow, green and blue
A huge mural on the roadway in front of a school, consisting of various angular shapes extending out, in bright shades of orange, yellow, green and blue
A mural on an exterior brick wall, reading "Conrice Warehousing & Commission" in white letters with blue drop shadow and a central icon of various crops and a sigil reading "CG" as well as smaller lettering describing the restaurant within